Although it's sometimes hard to believe, there are homes in our community without a working furnace
to provide heat throughout Lincoln's harsh winter weather. As a heating and cooling contractor
Bryant Lincoln has become aware of the need, and in 2010 we decided to use our skills and resources
in an effort to make a difference. Every year since Bryant Lincoln has installed at least one,
sometimes as many as three, furnaces in homes in need. With the help of our distributor Comfort
Products, these new high efficiency furnaces were installed free of charge.
December 2024 marks the 14th year for Warm Winter Wish. Bryant Lincoln encourages family, friends, co-workers and even the individuals in need to complete the Warm Winter Wish online nomination form. Recipients must live in Lincoln or within Bryant Lincoln's service area of 50 miles surrounding the capitol city (Warm Winter Wish Rules).
2023 year marked Bryant Lincoln's thirteenth year helping those in need of heating assistance. Every story is special and it's amazing what families have done to make ends meet. From families facing unexpected major medical expenses to those living multiple years without a working furnace. Read more about each story.
Few homeowners are prepared for their furnace to break down, however many are able to pay to have it fixed or replaced. For others, a poorly working furnace can be a hardship, perhaps there is a lack of money, health complications and/or other devastating circumstances. Lincoln is large enough that many stories of those in need go unheard. This is why Bryant Lincoln has teamed up with local radio stations Froggy 98.1 FM and 1400 AM & 99.3 FM KLIN to reach out to the community for help finding well deserving people in need.